My Life

Hey, yall! Read my blog daily and I promise entertainment and originality.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Bleh...Why Monday is GOOD for you!

Everybody hates Monday, for obvious reasons:

For adults, Monday is the day they have to go back to their boring job and it starts off the stressful week of getting the kids ready for school, remembering to drop by and pay this bill. Little Tommy has baseball practice, while Susie Q. needs to be dropped of at ballet lessons.

For students, it's the start of another boring week of study for that math test coming up or you better have page 123 done in your lit book or you get a 0.

For me, Monday is the start of a lonely week with nothing to do but (hopefully) get better and try not to catch any more infection, health problems, ect.

Why should we love Monday?

Adults are allowed numerous hours (depending on how many hours you work) throughout the week to have time away from the stress of worrying about their kids. They can concentrate on what needs to be done at their work instead of what's for dinner or if Shirley finished her homework before she went off to play. I know my mom appreciates it. I was really sick this week due to quite a few health issues and Mom stayed home a couple of days. Let me tell you, I am NOT the most fun person on 'Roids. I know Mom was pretty glad to go back to work this morning. honestly, I would be, too. I don't know from experience, but it's quite stressful for adults to have to watch their kids go through pain, and work is definitely a good way to concentrate on other things.

Even if us kids never admit it, we do like school sometimes. We are  allowed time away from our annoying older/younger siblings to hang out with our pals. Everyone needs to have some time with friends to get together and talk. Communication is a big part of being human. So is learning. School is needed to survive in the "real" world, s we know what to expect when we go out on our own.

 Monday, for me, is the start of my independence for the week. Since everyone in my household either works or goes to school, I'm usually here all by my lonesome (well, except for the birds and the dogs, but we don't speak the same language so it's pointless to count them) I get a chance to be by myself. Not everyone likes being alone, but I LOVE it. I can hang out in my room in the quiet (or semi-quiet because of the annoying ringing in my ears) or get on the laptop and surf the web or work on my blogs. And then, I get my human contact when they all come home for the evening (or when I talk to my buddy Hannah on Facebook).

So Monday gives you:
  • Human contact outside of your family.
  • Distraction from stressors.
  • A chance to learn new stuff.


  1. Sarah, I certainly understand the love of peace and quiet and the sometimes painful zing of loneliness. It's like just when you have something great to share everyone is busy. As a writer and empty nester I have added fur babies, but you are right. They don't carry on much converstation.
    Thank you, Jesus, for my imagination. Without it I'd really would be lonely. :) Perhaps your reading years are preparing you for writing years.

  2. Maybe I should gets some fur babies ;) Hmmm, I tried the writing thing, but I'm no good at it :) But I definitely love a good book :)
