My Life

Hey, yall! Read my blog daily and I promise entertainment and originality.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Why Does Having Chronic Illnesses Suck?

WELLLL...there are a lot of reasons! Here are just a few!

1) Sick all the time (hence: CHRONIC).

2) When your sick you are not able to do as much. Example-I had a family member (I won't name names) tell me, "Sarah, you don't want to do anything anymore."
Correction-I do want to do things, just don't FEEL like it. For someone with a chronic illness, when we say, "Nah, I don't feel like it today" we aren't saying, "I'm too lazy today." We actually mean, "Ugggh, why did I get out of bed this morning? I'm going back to bed." It's frustrating other people don't get that. Which brings me to my next point:

3) Others think we do not have a social life (at least me). I have always been the kid who would rather play all by themselves instead with others, but I still went out with friends every week or so. Getting DX'ed with MS has not helped. I keep having to cancel activities with friends, because I'm constantly getting sick. Sickness tends to cut into your social life. And don't I know it!

4) Cuts into education. I finally had to take the rest of this year off due to falling ill with something new every week. When I get sick, I can't do school--then I get behind. I start to feel better and work to get caught up and whaddya know, I catch something else! Its a never ending circle of inconvenience that is NOT helping me come closer to graduating. I've always been a studious person, now my brain is shrinking. So annoying.

5) Loss of sleep. I am now labelled an insomniac. I don't sleep anymore, all thanks to my friend Multiple Sclerosis. I'm sure fellow MS patients know what I'm talking about. When your nervous system is screwed up, everything is!

Well, that's all I can think of tonight--have anything you want to rant about? Get off your chest, frustrated with due to your sickness/disease/illness? Comment below!

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