My Life

Hey, yall! Read my blog daily and I promise entertainment and originality.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012- To Keep Me from Boredom

          Soo, I woke up waaayy to early this morning to my annoying older brother singing in a really off tune voice at 7:30. Usually, I stay in bed untill about 11 o'clock, but today I got bored, so here is a product of my bored and semi-insane, polka-dotted brain:

P.S I found these on Google.

   Hahaa, so tiny!!

A Picture for Valentine's Day:

Now, someone please explain this one to me: I don't get it.

I want a kitty exactly like this one:

Sometimes obesity is cute.

Pill bottles should say keep away from small children and curious pets..