My Life

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pros and Cons of Buying on Amazon

Here is why I LOVE to by on Amazon when I'm shopping online:
  • Low-prices: A lot of it the items sold are from sellers trying to get their products re-sold, so it brings  the rices down. I once bought a book on Amazon that was being sold for $0.01 and even though I still had to pay for shipping, the price in total was around $3.01.
  • Very Convenient: You shop from home or on-the-go. Kinda self explanatory, right? 
  • Its Safe: If your uncomfortable using your credit or debit, you have the option of using a paypal account. I have even went and bought a prepaid visa gift card and used that.
  • Tons of Variety in Products: Amazon gives you plenty of options. Its like the mall at home. You can but shoes, accessories, books, clothes, etc.
  • Wish Lists: If you don't have the time or money to buy what you want now, you can add it to a wish list and buy it later. You can even make it public where a friend can buy it, too!
  • REVIEWS: You can always right a review of the product you bought. A lot of book reviewers (like me!) like to go on and write review, which gives you more publicity.
  • Saves Gas and Mileage: Since your shopping at home, you don't waste gas or mileage going all over town to shop. Who doesn't like to save gas/mileage on their vehicle(s)?
Why I don't always like to shop on Amazon:
  • No Exceeding Over 20 Items at Once: Why should any store limit how many items you can buy? It hurts their business. What I always like to do is split up orders if I need to exceed 20 items.
  • Can't Always Trust an Individual Seller: Like any online shopping, how can you always trust people over the internet? You can't. If you have a bad feeling about buying from an individual, don't do it. Trust your gut and buy from the store. Even Amazon has scammers.

You see that I have put less cons than pros. Probably because I love Amazon so much, and don't see all the bad. Make sure you read a few reviews on any online shopping sites before you use it. You never know when a site might rip you off.  D:

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